Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
First, sorry for the late reply, we were busy and had to fix some stuff. Second, we appreciate your comment and we also asked the riseup team directly: https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/riseup-answer.jpg – so what they wrote is, that they “rely on our users to personally invite people they know”. Although we understand this very well, as they want to avoid their service being misused, it is unfortunately a barrier (a trade) for people. We for example do not know any riseup users which makes it impossible for us to register an account. Therefore we can not include this service into the directory. There are other projects like ggc-project (https://www.ggc-project.de/) who offer the same kind of service without that barrier – people can just send them an email and they will provide an email account for them.
Altough it seems that they are honest and they do provide some services that are trade-free, we can’t include them in the directory, since there are some walls behind you and some services, like you need an invitation from a current riseup user in order to use the e-mail service or the chat: https://support.riseup.net/en/knowledgebase/1-accounts/docs/13-how-do-i-get-an-account – I can understand that this is a safety measure that protects from spammers, but that does not make it trade-free.