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ts'ono'oto' web way sijnáaleche»
tu yo'olal:

Snopyta proporciona yéetel ichil basados ti' le je'ela', le yojeta'al mixba'al yéetel le descentralización. Ba'ax le snopyta.org. – snopyta.org jach jump'éel proveedor yéetel ma' k óol lucro. Tu'ux ku aloja snopyta.org. – k servidor noj bejo' Kula'an ti' Helsinki (Finlandia), searx yéetel jitsi ti' Nuremberg (Alemania), alojado tumen Hetzner Online. U linki abas kaambal u noj u alojada ti' Uberspace. Ba'ax datos recopilan. – Recogemos le menor meyaj ku páajtal. Je'ebix, ma' registramos direcciones IP mix consultas leti'ob betaj yéetel searx.


They seem to provide a lot of tools for free. Trade-free. The only reason you may want an account with their website is to save your preferences for some of their services. But you can also access their services without and account. They are relying on donations for support and are very transparent with their spendings.


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