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Couchers.org is a non-profit and free platform, built by volunteers and responsible to the couch surfing community, instead of investors. Formed after Couchsurfing™ put up its paywall in 2020, our goal is to reclaim couch surfing by creating a complete alternative, with all your favourite features.


Ze begrijpen heel goed hoe handel dingen gaat verpesten, zoals dat gebeurde met couchsurfing.

Ze hebben een sterke focus tegen handel:

“Winst zal door geen enkele persoon of organisatie uit onze organisatie, platform of gemeenschap worden gehaald. Alle fondsen, inspanningen en beslissingen zullen worden gericht op de missie.


Couch surfing provides social and societal value, not monetary value, as it is based on genuine connections between people. It is impossible to extract this value as profit without introducing conflicting incentives between the organization and the community. To sustainably deliver on our mission, we must be non-profit.” (https://couchers.org/mission)

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