
Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia created and maintained as an open collaboration project by a community of volunteer editors, using a wiki-based editing system. It is the largest and most popular general reference work on the World Wide Web.
Wikipedia is a great example of a trade-free service. They offer an online encyclopedia and don’t want anything in return. I don’t have to give money to access Wikipedia, I don’t have to trade my data, attention or anything else, since they have no trackers or ads. Of course they need money to sustain themselves in this trade-based world, but they make this voluntary in the form of donations. So if you can and want to support them, you can do so, if not, then you don’t have to – you will still have access to Wikipedia.
I think that’s the closest TF service as it can be, and it’s always one of the main examples. It’s collaborative, educative, and reliable resource used by the whole world. They don’t have ads, and also have a policy about NOT advertising. They run by donations.