גיי אונז נאך

סכוירע & באַדינונגס

These goods and services are submitted and reviewed by people like you. We cannot guarantee that all of what you see here is trade-free, since at times it is very difficult to review them all and do so properly. This is why we need your help! Submit and Review! Let’s create a wonderful directory of trade-free stuff! Because we are trying to be 100% transparent, we are making public all of the submissions that were rejected. You can find the list דאָ where you can also object to that decision.


RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that…
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Checks whether the contrast between two colors meet the WCAG requirements.

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YaCy (pronounced “ya see”) is a free distributed search engine, built on principles of peer-to-peer…

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Dat Protocol

A distributed data community. Dat is a nonprofit-backed community & open protocol for building apps…

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Qubes OS

Qubes OS is a free and open-source security-oriented operating system meant for single-user desktop computing.

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KFourInLine is a board game for two players based on the Connect-Four game. The players…

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Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. It aims to be…

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GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating…

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Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project that supports learning communities, their learning materials, and resulting…

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Scribus (/ˈskraɪbəs/) is free and open-source desktop publishing (DTP) software available for most desktop operating…

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Sea-Watch e.V. is a non-profit organization that conducts civil search and rescue operations in the…

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OpenShot Video Editor is a free and open-source video editor for Windows, macOS, Linux, and…

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what are they offering?

אַקקאָממאָדאַטיאָן אַודיאָ שפּילער ביטטאָררענט קליענט ביכער browser calendar וואָלקן סטאָרידזש לויפֿער דאַטן דעסקטאַפּ טעמע דאַקיומענטעריעס ebooks בילדונג עטהערפּאַד ינסטאַנסע טעקע האָסטינג טעקע ייַנטיילונג שפּילערייַ כיומאַנאַטעריאַן הילף בילדל טעמע דזשיצי טרעפן ינסטאַנסע maps מעדיע שפּילער מעדיציניש זאָרג מעסידזשינג messenger microblogging רירעוודיק אָפּערייטינג סיסטעם סרטים מאַמבאַל ינסטאַנסע מוזיק מוזיק שפּילער אָפּערייטינג סיסטעם p2p password manager privatebin בייַשפּיל רעטעניש שפּיל זוכן מאָטאָר ייַנטיילונג פּלאַטפאָרמע געזעלשאַפטלעך נעץ ווייכווארג text editor שטראמען video editor ווידיאס וועב בלעטערער

latest reviews

No Title

רייטאַד 1.0 אויס פון 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

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רייטאַד 5.0 אויס פון 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

No Title

רייטאַד 5.0 אויס פון 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

No Title

רייטאַד 5.0 אויס פון 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

No Title

רייטאַד 5.0 אויס פון 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.