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Passipedia – The Passive House Resource

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Welcome to Passipedia, the Passive House resource! Passipedia constitutes a vast array of cutting edge, scientifically sound, Passive House relevant articles. On Passipedia, basic Passive House information and insights are available for all to see, whereas members of the International Passive House Association (iPHA) receive special access to the more in-depth sections. You want to get to know the Passive House concept in short time? As a start, we recommend the video embedded on the right “Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds” by Hans-Jörn Eich (Video under creative commons license “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)).

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đánh giá 5.0 ra khỏi 5

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