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What is H.e.l.f.a. in general about? We live in a world where not only the ongoing global competition and capitalism leads to an injustice towards a part of the earth’s population that does not have enough to eat and drink, while in the so-called western world people live in abundance. What falls by the wayside is what really counts: our humanity in togetherness, our families and relationships, friendships and our health. This leads to the question: What in our lives is really real and has substance? This question is occupying more and more people, triggering a worldwide movement that is actively seeking alternative models of living – for the benefit of people, animals and nature. In order for change and mutual helping and supporting to succeed, we need to completely rethink the current structures of society. We at H.e.l.f.a. would like to present with this handbook our solution approach, how a new social living together with values like compassion, respect, voluntariness, humanity, cohesion, empathy, understanding, support, tolerance, lived love and personal responsibility can succeed.

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