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Éta mangrupikeun aplikasi JavaScript WebRTC open source sareng tiasa dianggo pikeun konperénsi pidéo. Hiji tiasa ngabagi desktop sareng presentasi sareng ngan ukur tautan tiasa ngajak anggota anyar pikeun konperénsi pidéo. Éta tiasa dianggo ku ngaunduh aplikasi atanapi langsung dina browser sareng éta cocog sareng browser anu énggal. Unggal pamaké tiasa nganggo server Jitsi.org atanapi tiasa ngaunduh sareng masang parangkat lunak pangladén dina mesin basis Linux. Fitur konci munggaran Jitsi Meet nyaéta komunikasi énkripsi (komunikasi aman): Ti April 2020, 1-1 telepon nganggo mode P2P, anu énkripsi end-to-end via DTLS-SRTP antara dua pamilon. Grup nelepon ogé ngagunakeun enkripsi DTLS-SRTP, tapi ngandelkeun Jitsi Videobridge (JVB) salaku router video, dimana pakét anu decrypted samentara. Tim Jitsi nekenkeun yén "aranjeunna henteu pernah disimpen dina panyimpenan anu tetep sareng ngan ukur cicing dina mémori nalika diarahkeun ka pamilon anu sanés dina rapat", sareng yén ukuran ieu diperyogikeun kusabab watesan téknologi WebRTC anu ayeuna. Fitur konci kadua Jitsi Meet nyaéta henteu peryogi pamasangan parangkat lunak klien énggal.


9 Séptémber 2020


They link to their pages on trade-based networks (facebook, linkedin, twitter), to trade-based collaborative software (slack) and to trade-based app stores (Google Play and App Store from Apple) because they have an app for phones. uBlock origin also blocked “amplitude.com” which is a “Product Intelligence platform helping companies build better products”. These things are not that bad, but I want to mention them, because else it’s a great service! You don’t need an account or pay money or so. You can just use it directly in the browser. Do they collect data? Yes, but not to make a business out of that: “8×8 is not in the business of selling personal information to third parties. 8×8 uses this information to deliver the meet.jit.si service, to identify and troubleshoot problems with the meet.jit.si service, and to improve the meet.jit.si service. In addition, 8×8 may use this information to investigate fraud or abuse.” (https://jitsi.org/meet-jit-si-privacy/) So I’d give them 4/5 blocks.

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