Tuturkeun Kami

Barang & Jasa

Barang sareng jasa ieu dikintunkeun sareng marios ku jalma sapertos anjeun. Kami moal ngajamin yén sadaya anu anjeun tingali di dieu bébas tina perdagangan, sabab kadang-kadang hésé pisan marios sadayana sareng ngalaksanakeunana kalayan bener. Ieu naha urang peryogi bantosan anjeun! Kirim sareng Tinjauan! Hayu urang ngadamel diréktori éndah barang bébas perdagangan! Kusabab kami nyobian janten 100% transparan, kami nyebarkeun sadayana pangiriman anu ditolak. Anjeun tiasa mendakan daptarna Ieuh dimana anjeun ogé tiasa nolak kana kaputusanana.


Pencil2D is a free and open-source 2D animation software for Windows, macOS and Unix-like operating…

maca deui


CODE-DE offers high-performance access to all Copernicus data about Germany. Through the connection to one…

maca deui

Kate Editor

The KDE Advanced Text Editor, or Kate, is a source code editor developed by the…

maca deui


Hackaday.io started as a project hosting site in early 2014 under the name of Hackaday…

maca deui


KLines is a simple but highly addictive one player game. The player has to move…

maca deui


VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux….

maca deui


Feeder is a fully free/libre feed reader. It supports all common feed formats, including JSONFeed….

maca deui


The Encrypted Collaboration Suite. CryptPad is the Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor. Encryption carried out…

maca deui


The core features of CPod a glance: Search for and subscribe to podcasts Listen to…

maca deui


The United Nations Children’s Fund is a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and…

maca deui


Libre Cloud Services. Opendesktop.org is a libre platform providing free cloud storage, online office editing,…

maca deui


Signal is a cross-platform encrypted messaging service developed by the Signal Foundation and Signal Messenger…
maca deui

Danish Refugee Council

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) (Danish: Dansk Flygtningehjælp) is a private Danish humanitarian nonprofit organization, founded…

maca deui


KReversi is a simple one player strategy game played against the computer. If a player’s…

maca deui

naon anu aranjeunna nawiskeun?

akomodasi pamuter audio klien bittorrent buku browser kalénder neundeun awan kursor data téma desktop dokumenter ebooks pendidikan Instan Etherpad file hosting ngabagi file kaulinan bantuan kamanusaan téma ikon Jitsi Papanggih Instance peta pamuter média perawatan médis olahtalatah utusan microblogging sistem operasi mobile pilem Contona Mumble musik pamuter musik sistem operasi p2p manajer sandi conto privatebin kaulinan tatarucingan mesin pencari platform ngabagi jaringan sosial parangkat lunak pangropéa téksu walungan pangropéa pidéo video panyungsi wéb

ulasan panganyarna

Teu Judul

Dipeunteun 1.0 kaluar ti 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

Teu Judul

Dipeunteun 5.0 kaluar ti 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

Teu Judul

Dipeunteun 5.0 kaluar ti 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

Teu Judul

Dipeunteun 5.0 kaluar ti 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

Teu Judul

Dipeunteun 5.0 kaluar ti 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.