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Dipeunteun 3.3 kaluar ti 5
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Give, take or borrow anything on Sharebay – the world’s first, completely free sharing library.

Dipeunteun 2.0 kaluar ti 5

They removed the disqus comment system and added facebook, which has so many trackers is hard to track that :). You trade your data to facebook by using sharebay.org.

Dipeunteun 3.0 kaluar ti 5

They use Disqus for comments, and this is well known for injecting ads and trackers into websites https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disqus#Business_model + https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted-3.jpg – I recommend they use something else for their comment section.

Dipeunteun 4.0 kaluar ti 5

I agree with the previous review. And sharebay.org clearly says that the ones posting there should not as for anything in return. It is a website that understands what trade is and why it is necessary to stay away from this bad influence. The Google Translation addon seems necessary to deal with multiple languages in an easy manner. But it is worth mentioning that it collects data for Google.

Dipeunteun 4.0 kaluar ti 5

Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin show some google trackers – that seems to be because of the automated translations, where you can choose different languages. In order to use sharebay, you also have to register an account and provide some data like your address, full name and such. But that’s due to its nature of being a sharing platform where you can share things with people around the world.

Sharebay seems to be a genuine approach of providing a trade-free platform where people can simply share stuff.

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