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Mozilla Thunderbird is a free and open-source cross-platform email client, personal information manager, news client, RSS and chat client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. The project strategy was originally modeled after that of Mozilla’s Firefox web browser.

Clasificada 3.0 ar 5

Thunderbird promueve 'befi komongu gmail ne similares pa ár hño ja ar configuración. Nuya da basan jar ar comercio. Nja'bu da pa nä'ä bí daré ho̲ntho 3 bloques.

Clasificada 5.0 ar 5

Thunderbird ge 'nar Nar dätä hño ejemplo 'nar hontho mpe̲fi comercio. Ge 'nar nt'ot'e tu ja ya 'befi, hinda da gi otho. 'Ñotho ar datos, hinda Ntheti (ngetho otho anuncios), bojä nixi ho̲nt'ä. Bloques 5 yá 5 pa increíble nuna nt'ot'e.


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