Биднийг дага
албан ёсны цахим хуудас "

Ardour is a hard disk recorder and digital audio workstation application that runs on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows. Its primary author is Paul Davis, who was also responsible for the JACK Audio Connection Kit. It is intended as a digital audio workstation suitable for professional use. It is free software, released under the terms of the GPL-2.0-or-later.

санал болгож байна:
Үнэлгээ өгсөн 1.0 -аас 5

The fully functional Windows version of Ardour from their website has a paywall.

The free version is not fully functional, as it goes silent every 10 minutes.

For an actual free DAW, check out LMMS at https://lmms.io/

Үнэлгээ өгсөн 5.0 -аас 5

There are no premium/pro features that one needs to pay money for and no ads that bother you. 5/5 blocks.


Таны имэйл хаяг нийтлэгдэхгүй. Шаардлагатай талбаруудыг тэмдэглэсэн байна *