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GNOME Clocks нь олон байршилд цаг, огноог харуулах, сэрүүлэг эсвэл цаг хэмжигч тохируулах энгийн програм юм. Секундомер бас багтсан.

Үнэлгээ өгсөн 3.0 -аас 5
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Open Source Ecology is a proposed paradigm shift to regenerative development of human and natural ecosystems by means of open collaboration, transparency, and democratization of the technosphere. Please see the Roadmap for how to get there. The current main effort (2018-2028) is completion of the Global Village Construction Set, which is 33% complete.

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Үнэлгээ өгсөн 3.0 -аас 5

Their main website uses some trackers (https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/0lSRVLD.jpg), so that is 2 minus points to me. However the link is to the github documentation, which is better and all in all they do provide blueprints for open-source hardware in a trade-free manner. That’s why I’d give 3/5.


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