Биднийг дага
албан ёсны цахим хуудас "

Arc is a flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and various desktop shells, window managers and applications. It’s well suited for GTK based desktop environments such as GNOME, Cinnamon, Xfce, Unity, MATE, Budgie etc. The theme was originally designed and developed by horst3180, but the project has been unmaintained since May 2017. This fork aims to keep the theme updated with new toolkit and desktop environment versions, resolve pre-existing issues, and improve and polish the theme while preserving the original visual design.

санал болгож байна:
Үнэлгээ өгсөн 5.0 -аас 5

nice desktop theme – no trades involved.

Үнэлгээ өгсөн 5.0 -аас 5

trade free – simple!


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