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Thunar is a file manager for Linux and other Unix-like systems, initially written using the GTK+ 2 toolkit and later ported to the GTK+ 3 toolkit. It started to ship with Xfce in version 4.4 RC1 and later. Thunar is developed by Benedikt Meurer, and was originally intended to replace XFFM, Xfce’s previous file manager. It was initially called Filer but was changed to Thunar due to a name clash. Thunar is designed to start up faster and be more responsive than some other Linux file managers, such as GNOME Files and Konqueror. Accessibility is accomplished using GNOME Accessibility Toolkit. Like the rest of Xfce, Thunar is designed to comply with standards, such as those stated at freedesktop.org. Thunar is simple and lightweight by design, but its functionality can be extended through plugins.

제안 :
정격 5.0 밖으로 5

a purely trade-free file manager

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