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정격 5.0 밖으로 5
별 5개 중 5.0개(리뷰 1개 기준)
우수한100 %
아주 좋아0%
공식 웹 사이트 "

SearchWing develops and builds unmanned aerial vehicles to find people in distress at sea. We are an independent non-profit organisation of volunteers with equal rights. We help all humans in distress regardless of origin, nationality, religious or political believes. The drones will only be used to find people who want to be found. We provide our drones to all organisations who pursue these same objectives. We will not provide third parties with drones or sensitive technologies who have objectives that do not comply with the objectives of SearchWing. We inform about our work in order to highlight the situation of people in distress. The current focus of our work in the mediterranean sea is due to the humanitarian catastrophe there. The current search and rescue activities in the mediterranean are only a fight against a symptom of the current border policy of the EC. We support the request of the UNHCR for safe and legal pathways and we support the request to establish a european search and rescue organisation.

제안 :
정격 5.0 밖으로 5

“We help all humans in distress regardless of origin, nationality, religious or political believes.” – 5/5 blocks for this!

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