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공식 웹 사이트 "

MUSIC & MEMORY® is a non-profit organization that helps individuals with a wide range of cognitive and physical conditions to engage with the world, ease pain, and reclaim their humanity through the use of personalized music playlists. We train nursing home staff and other elder care professionals, as well as family caregivers, to create, provide, and manage personalized playlists using digital music players that enable those struggling with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive and physical challenges to reconnect with the world through music-inspired memories. By providing access and education, and by creating a network of MUSIC & MEMORY® Certified organizations, we aim to make this form of personalized therapeutic music a standard of care throughout the health care industry.

제안 :
정격 5.0 밖으로 5

They provide a trade-free service for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

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