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공식 웹 사이트 "

Kdenlive (/ˌkeɪdɛnˈlaɪv/; acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor) is a free and open-source video editing software based on the MLT Framework, KDE and Qt. The project was started by Jason Wood in 2002, and is now maintained by a small team of developers. With the release of Kdenlive 15.04.0 it became part of the official KDE project. Kdenlive packages are freely available for Linux, FreeBSD, and Microsoft Windows, and the source code is available under the terms of GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

제안 :
정격 4.0 밖으로 5

W.A.I.T.? What Am I Trading? Kdenlive doesn’t want my data, attention, currency or anything else. However, the website has trackers and ads (https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted-7.jpg), therefore I give only 4/5 blocks.

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