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공식 웹 사이트 "

Friendica (formerly Friendika, originally Mistpark) is an open, free, distributed social network. It forms one part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers.

제안 :
정격 5.0 밖으로 5

Friendica, the software itself, it is trade-free. Matomo is is only used voluntarily by some instances. https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/9316

정격 4.0 밖으로 5

I just registered an account and it seems to me that friendica is trade-free. However the browser extensions Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin go a bit crazy, but that must be because of the content and the external links posted in the feed. I also found out with uBlock Origin, that friendica uses Matamo which is a powerful web analytics platform.

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