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정격 5.0 밖으로 5
별 5개 중 5.0개(리뷰 1개 기준)
우수한100 %
아주 좋아0%
공식 웹 사이트 "

Diaspora (stylized as diaspora*) is a nonprofit, user-owned, distributed social network. It consists of a group of independently owned nodes (called pods) which interoperate to form the network. The social network is not owned by any one person or entity, keeping it from being subject to corporate take-overs or advertising. According to its developer, “our distributed design means no big corporation will ever control Diaspora.”

제안 :
정격 5.0 밖으로 5

Diaspora as part of other fediverse networks (https://fediverse.party/) seems to be very trade-free. You can choose a node, where you want to register an account or even host a node by yourself. I registered on one node and saw an ad for a fundraiser by the guy who was running that node, but then I simply deleted my account and created another account on another node. In their wiki they say they want to implement that feature to be able to change the nodes later on if you registered an account already: https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Choosing_a_pod#Can_I_switch_to_a_different_pod_later.3F – there are no trackers and no ads, so I’d give it 5/5 blocks.

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