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These goods and services are submitted and reviewed by people like you. We cannot guarantee that all of what you see here is trade-free, since at times it is very difficult to review them all and do so properly. This is why we need your help! Submit and Review! Let’s create a wonderful directory of trade-free stuff! Because we are trying to be 100% transparent, we are making public all of the submissions that were rejected. You can find the list Bu yerga where you can also object to that decision.


Xfce or XFCE (pronounced as four individual letters) is a free and open-source desktop environment…

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MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki engine. It was developed for use on Wikipedia…

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VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux….

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Give, take or borrow anything on Sharebay – the world’s first, completely free sharing library.

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Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from…

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Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. – or Welthungerhilfe (literally: World Hunger Aid) for short – is…

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Tails is a portable operating system that protects your privacy and helps you avoid censorship.

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Bluefish is a free software advanced text editor with a variety of tools for programming…

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NewPipe is a free and open-source media player app for Android devices that is best…

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Zabbix is an open-source software tool to monitor IT infrastructure such as networks, servers, virtual…

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HTMLy is an open source Databaseless Blogging Platform or Flat-File Blog prioritizes simplicity and speed…

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Cryptomator provides transparent, client-side encryption for your cloud. Protect your documents from unauthorized access. Cryptomator…

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what are they offering?

turar joy audio pleer bittorrent mijozi kitoblar browser calendar bulutli saqlash kursor ma'lumotlar ish stoli mavzusi hujjatli filmlar ebooks ta'lim Etherpad namunasi fayl hosting fayl almashish o'yinlar insonparvarlik yordami ikonka mavzusi Jitsi Meet Instance xaritalar media pleer tibbiy yordam xabar almashish xabarchi mikrobloglar mobil operatsion tizimi filmlar Mumble misoli musiqa musiqa pleyeri operatsion tizim p2p password manager privatebin misoli boshqotirma o'yini qidiruv tizimi almashish platformasi ijtimoiy tarmoq dasturiy ta'minot matn muharriri torrentlar video muharriri videolar veb-brauzer

latest reviews

No Title

Baholangan 1.0 tashqarida 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

No Title

Baholangan 5.0 tashqarida 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

No Title

Baholangan 5.0 tashqarida 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

No Title

Baholangan 5.0 tashqarida 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

No Title

Baholangan 5.0 tashqarida 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.