Muimui ʻIate Kimautolu
uepisaiti fakalao »
fekauʻaki mo e:

Mission Lifeline is an association from Dresden, founded in 2016, whose purpose is to rescue people at sea in the Mediterranean. The rescue ship Lifeline was initially used for this, and since the end of August 2019 the Mission Eleonore has been used.

ngaahi meʻa ʻoku ʻoatu:
Fakamaaka 5.0 mavahe mei he 5

Mission Lifeline is committed to helping people in need and saving lives. 5/5 blocks for that!

Tuku atu ha Tali

He ʻikai pulusi ho tuʻasila ʻīmeilí. ʻOku fakaʻilongaʻi ʻa e ngaahi konga (field) ʻoku *