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These goods and services are submitted and reviewed by people like you. We cannot guarantee that all of what you see here is trade-free, since at times it is very difficult to review them all and do so properly. This is why we need your help! Submit and Review! Let’s create a wonderful directory of trade-free stuff! Because we are trying to be 100% transparent, we are making public all of the submissions that were rejected. You can find the list овде where you can also object to that decision.


linuxmuster.net is a server distribution for the operation of educational school networks. It is developed…

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Health & Help

Health & Help is an international non-governmental humanitarian aid organization, providing medical care in developing…

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A fast and feature-rich implementation of an ESP8266/ESP32 webserver to control NeoPixel (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812)…

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Friendica (formerly Friendika, originally Mistpark) is an open, free, distributed social network. It forms one…

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InvoicePlane is a free and open source invoicing application. The project is the official successor…

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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple to use but provides power…

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Probably the best bike route planner in the world! Free of charge and privacy friendly….

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Why wtfismyip.com? HTML, JSON, XML, and text interfaces – HTTPS/SSL support – IPv6 support –…

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Crow Translate

A simple and lightweight translator that allows to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex…

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OpenProject is a web-based project management system for location-independent team collaboration. This free open-source application…

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Easily manage wine prefixes in a new way. Run Windows software and games on Linux

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what are they offering?

смештај аудио плејер битторрент клијент књиге browser календар складиштење у облаку курсор података десктоп тема документарци ебоокс образовање Етхерпад инстанца хостинг датотека дељење датотека игрице Хуманитарна помоћ икона тема Јитси Меет Инстанце мапе медиа плаиер медицинска нега размену порука гласник микроблоговање mobile operating system филмовима Мумбле Инстанце музика Музички плејер Оперативни систем п2п password manager приватебин инстанце пуззле игра претраживач платформа за дељење друштвена мрежа софтвер текст едитор торрентс видео едитор видео снимци Интернет претраживач

latest reviews

No Title

Оцењено 1.0 од 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

No Title

Оцењено 5.0 од 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

No Title

Оцењено 5.0 од 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

No Title

Оцењено 5.0 од 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

No Title

Оцењено 5.0 од 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.