اسان جي تابعداري ڪريو


درجه بندي 2 کان ٻاهر 5
4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
تمام سٺو50 سيڪڙو
تمام سٺو
سراسري50 سيڪڙو
سرڪاري ويب سائيٽ "
جي باري ۾

Sightsavers is an international non-governmental organisation that works with partners in developing countries to treat and prevent avoidable blindness, and promote equality for people with visual impairments and other disabilities.

درجه بندي 3.0 کان ٻاهر 5

Multiple trackers on their website….

درجه بندي 5.0 کان ٻاهر 5

“Your donations have enabled us, during our history, to distribute 438 million treatments to protect against river blindness, provide 7.3 million sight-restoring cataract operations, and support more than 225,000 people with disabilities to live independently.” (https://www.sightsavers.org/how-were-run/) – are all these treatments and cataract operations trade-free? I don’t know, but since they are based on donations, I think so, that’s why I give them 5/5 blocks.

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