Pitani ku zomwe zili

German Doctors for Developing Countries

Adavoteledwa amapereka: kuchokera 5
4.0 mwa nyenyezi 5 (kutengera ndemanga imodzi)
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Pitani ku zomwe ziliGulu:
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Pitani ku zomwe zili0Pitani ku zomwe zili
Pitani ku zomwe zili0Pitani ku zomwe zili
Pitani ku zomwe zili
Pitani ku zomwe zili

German Doctors e.V. is a humanitarian aid organization which operates in third world countries, especially in slums and rural areas. About 300 voluntary doctors are sent to Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Sierra Leone and the Philippines each year to help those who cannot help themselves. German Doctors has been awarded with the official donation seal DZI (German Institute for Social Affairs). Since 2013, the headquarters is located in Bonn, Germany. President of the curatorship is German actress Maria Furtwängler.

Adavoteledwa amapereka: kuchokera 5

Another amazing organization that helps people “regardless of prestige, ethnic origin, religion, nationality, political conviction, or any other differentiating characteristic.” (https://www.german-doctors.de/en/about-us) They rely on volunteers and donations to offer trade-free medical care. However I give 4 blocks, because they advertise trade-based networks such as facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram.

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