Pitani ku zomwe zili


Adavoteledwa Gulu: kuchokera 5
5.0 mwa nyenyezi 5 (kutengera ndemanga imodzi)
Pitani ku zomwe ziliGulu:
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Pitani ku zomwe zili0Pitani ku zomwe zili
Pitani ku zomwe zili
Pitani ku zomwe zili

FreeCAD is a general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software with finite element method (FEM) support. It is intended for mechanical engineering product design but also expands to a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or electrical engineering. FreeCAD is free and open-source, under the LGPL-2.0-or-later license, and available for Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. Users can extend the functionality of the software using the Python programming language.

Adavoteledwa Gulu: kuchokera 5

A trade-free 3D CAD software that comes without ads and trackers. 5/5 blocks for that.

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