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PeerTube hija pjattaforma tal-vidjow ħielsa, deċentralizzata u federata żviluppata bħala alternattiva għal pjattaformi oħra li jiċċentralizzaw id-dejta u l-attenzjoni tagħna, bħal YouTube, Dailymotion jew Vimeo. Iżda organizzazzjoni waħda li tospita PeerTube waħedha jista 'ma jkollhiex biżżejjed flus biex tħallas għall-bandwidth u l-ħażna tal-vidjow tas-servers tagħha, is-servers kollha ta' PeerTube huma interoperabbli bħala netwerk federat, u s-servers mhux PeerTube jistgħu jkunu parti mill-ikbar Vidiverse (netwerk tal-vidjow federat) billi nitkellmu dwar l-implimentazzjoni tagħna ta 'ActivityPub. It-tagħbija tal-vidjow titnaqqas grazzi għal P2P fil-web browser billi tuża WebTorrent jew p2p-media-loader.

Rated 5.0 barra minn 5

I want to add that the peer instances should not be confused with the software itself. PeerTube is like Wordpress, it depends where you install it. You have full control over it. The instances are simply people taking this trade-free software and installing on their server. If then they limit users then that’s not PeerTube’s fault :).

Rated 4.0 barra minn 5

It is another one of these decentralized platforms where you can join different servers (instances) and upload your videos. There are no trackers and ads and probably no algorithm that want’s to keep you hooked in the platform like youtube’s algorithm. Mind you, some instances might have a limit as to how much video material you can upload, like only 2 gb per day or 50 gb in total.

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