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Wueren & Servicer

These goods and services are submitted and reviewed by people like you. We cannot guarantee that all of what you see here is trade-free, since at times it is very difficult to review them all and do so properly. This is why we need your help! Submit and Review! Let’s create a wonderful directory of trade-free stuff! Because we are trying to be 100% transparent, we are making public all of the submissions that were rejected. You can find the list hei where you can also object to that decision.


Openverse is an open-source search engine for open content developed as part of the WordPress…

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Qubes OS

Qubes OS is a free and open-source security-oriented operating system meant for single-user desktop computing.

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GtkHash is a desktop utility for computing message digests or checksums. Most well-known hash functions…

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Mobilizon Instances

Mobilizon is your federated organization and mobilization platform. Gather people with a convivial, ethical, and…

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Fedora Linux is a Linux distribution developed by Fedora Project which is sponsored primarily by…

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Zafiro icons

Minimalist icons created with the flat-design technique, utilizing washed out colors and always accompanied by…

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open Home Automation Bus (openHAB) is an open source home automation software written in Java….

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Kig is an interactive mathematics software for learning and teaching geometry. It allows to explore…

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TiddlyDesktop is a special purpose web browser for working with locally stored TiddlyWikis.

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Create presentations that stand out! Spice-Up has everything you need to create simple and beautiful…

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Relief International

Relief International is a humanitarian non-profit agency that provides emergency relief, economic rehabilitation, development assistance,…

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What is Nostr? A decentralized network based on cryptographic keypairs and that is not peer-to-peer,…

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Dat Protocol

A distributed data community. Dat is a nonprofit-backed community & open protocol for building apps…

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Snopyta provides online services based on freedom, privacy and decentralization. What is snopyta.org? – snopyta.org…

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what are they offering?

Ënnerkonft Audio Player bittorrent Client Bicher Browser Kalenner Cloud Späicher Cursor Donnéeën Desktop Thema Dokumentarfilmer ebooks Ausbildung Etherpad Instanz Datei Hosting Dateie deelen Spiller humanitär Hëllef icon Thema Jitsi Meet Instanz Kaarten Mediaspiller medizinesch Versuergung Messagerie Messenger microblogging Handy Betribssystem Filmer Mumble Instanz Musek Musekspiller Betribssystem p2p Passwuert Manager privatebin Instanz Puzzel Spill Sichmaschinn Deele Plattform sozialt Netzwierk Software Text Editor Torrenter Video Editor Videoen Webbrowser

latest reviews

No Title

Bewäert 1.0 aus 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

No Title

Bewäert 5.0 aus 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

No Title

Bewäert 5.0 aus 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

No Title

Bewäert 5.0 aus 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

No Title

Bewäert 5.0 aus 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.