Ua Raws Li Peb

Engineers Without Borders

Rated 5.0 tawm ntawm 5
5.0 tawm ntawm 5 hnub qub (raws li 1 kev tshuaj xyuas)
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official lub website

The term Engineers Without Borders (EWB; French: Ingénieurs sans frontières, ISF) is used by a number of non-governmental organizations in various countries to describe their activity based on engineering and oriented to international development work. All of these groups work worldwide to serve the needs of disadvantaged communities and people through engineering projects. Many EWB national groups are developed independently from each other, and so they are not all formally affiliated with each other, and their level of collaboration and organizational development varies. The majority of the EWB/ISF organizations are strongly linked to academia and to students, with many of them being student-led.

Rated 5.0 tawm ntawm 5

they seem to provide help without expecting anything in return for that, are based on donations and so forth. Therefore Engineers Without Borders can be included into this directory.


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