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LibreWolf Firefox-en sardexka da, pribatutasunera, segurtasunera eta askatasunera bideratua. Datu bilketa eta telemetria ahalik eta gehien gutxitzeko diseinatuta dago. Hau ehunka pribatutasun / segurtasun / errendimendu ezarpen eta adabaki bidez lortzen da. Gehigarri integratu intrusiboak eguneratzailea, crashreporter eta poltsikoa barne kentzen dira.

Baloratua 5.0 kanpo 5

Its important to note that unlike most other mainstream browsers out there Librewolf is a community maintained project with no commercial interest in mind, so while it might be true that their default search engine is not 100% trade-free I give them the benefit of the doubt because they also provide you with other trade-free search engines to choose from. Mozilla Firefox might use Google as their default search engine because Google gives them lots of money, however I’m not aware of any such contracts between Librewolf and duckduckgo, so they might be using DDG simply because there aren’t any other alternatives that are reliable enough to be used as the default. That being said, you should still try to use a more trade-free search engine like the ones listed on https://searx.space/ with this browser, try to see if any of the options are reliable enough for your needs.

Baloratua 4.0 kanpo 5

4 blocks as it uses DDG as its default search engine, though it also provides trade-free search engines by default. If I could give 4.5 blocks I would.

Baloratua 4.0 kanpo 5

Librewolf does its job very well as a browser focused on privacy, security and freedom. They have applied a lot of tweaks for enhancing the privacy & security of this browser, and ublock origin is installed by defualt for blocking ads and trackers. I’m giving it 4 blocks becuase it uses duckduckgo as the default search engine which is not trade-free (because of ads). However its worth noting that they also provide you with more trade-free options like https://searx.be and https://metager.org, so you can change to these.

Baloratua 3.0 kanpo 5

Librewolf 3 bloke ematen ditut duckduckgo bilatzaile lehenetsi gisa erabiltzen duelako eta duckduckgo ez dago merkataritzarik, bilaketaren emaitzetan iragarkiak erakusten baititu. Bestela, librewolf pribatutasun / segurtasun / errendimendu ezarpenekin eta adabaki batzuekin dator, merkataritzarik gabe.

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Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatuta daude *