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Konqueror is a free and open-source web browser and file manager that provides web access and file-viewer functionality for file systems (such as local files, files on a remote FTP server and files in a disk image). It forms a core part of the KDE Software Compilation. Developed by volunteers, Konqueror can run on most Unix-like operating systems. The KDE community licenses and distributes Konqueror under GNU GPL-2.0-or-later.

yn cynnig:
Wedi'i raddio LibreWolf allan o 5

Konqueror uses Google as the default search engine. Google tracks their users and shows ads. That’s why 3/5 blocks might be appropriate.

Gadewch Ateb

Ni chyhoeddir eich cyfeiriad e-bost. Mae'r meysydd gofynnol wedi'u marcio *