pàgina web oficial "

TROM és un projecte que pretén mostrar amb detall la causa principal de la majoria dels problemes actuals i proposa solucions realistes per resoldre aquests problemes. Però també es tracta de desafiar els valors de la gent, explicar amb un llenguatge senzill com funciona el món i proporcionar materials/eines educatives gratuïtes i de bona qualitat per a tothom.


Some of the tools used on tromsite can collect some data from 3rd parties. It is a limitation of what the TROM team can do for now, like using a custom google search engine to create a curated search engine for the users. They point out these things and recommend that users should install tracker-blocking addons for their browsers. But it is worth mentioning these.

Resposta de Directori "Trade-Free"

The Google Search engine has been removed, so now the only trackers/ads are on the curated news and curated videos pages, out of the entire website. But is worth mentioning these. We (at TROM) stream content on these pages from RSS sources and Youtube, and these are the ones collecting or injecting the “;bad” things into the website. We will try to use invidous instead of youtube in the future, but for now we recommend that users install UBlock Origin and Privacy Badger to stop these trades.


TROM provides so many educational tools and goods/services without expecting anything in return. You don’t have to give anything. There are no ads, no data collection – there’s trade-free access to all materials. If you want to support it you can do so, but you don’t have to. It will be very interesting to see where this project leads.


Exemple pur lliure de comerç


TROM és el punt de partida de i de la idea mateixa. Per tant, TROM és el millor exemple d'un servei sense comerç.

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