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A small application that allows you to monitor the current weather conditions for your city, or anywhere in the world, and to access updated forecasts provided by various internet services.

Ocjenjen 5.0 van 5

Another GNOME app – seems completely trade-free. When I tested it, it didn’t used my location, but I had to type in a locations, so I guess it doesn’t collect the location data.

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Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.