الموقع الرسمي "

WT.Social ، المعروفة أيضًا باسم WikiTribune Social ، هي خدمة تدوين مصغر وشبكات اجتماعية يساهم فيها المستخدمون في "ملفات تعريف الارتباط الفرعية". تأسست في أكتوبر 2019 من قبل مؤسس ويكيبيديا جيمي ويلز كبديل لفيسبوك وتويتر. الخدمة لا تحتوي على إعلانات ، وتنفد التبرعات.

مصنفة 2.0 بعيدا عن المكان 5

Hm, although they seem to want to make things better than Facebook and Twitter, uBlock Origin shows a lot of ads/trackers: https://www.directory.trade-free.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Pasted-12.jpg – plus it is proprietary! based on that I’ll give them only 2 blocks.

Friendica or other social networks from the Fediverse (https://fediverse.party/) seem to be way better, since they are open-source and decentralized.

مصنفة 3.0 بعيدا عن المكان 5

I joined that network a while ago. They say they will never sell your data and “our platform survives on the generosity of individual donors to ensure privacy is protected and your social space is ad-free.” Based on that it seems to be likey trade-free. However I spotted a trade on the register site where they say you need to be 13 years or older to register. Also they do collect some data about you when you register: https://wt.social/data-transparency – but I’d see these more like essential to run a social network.

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