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Lliurex cursors

Lliurex X11 cursors, developed for Lliurex Nemo version. Inspirated on oxygen cursor theme, but it…

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Systemli.org is a left-wing network and technics-collective that was founded in 2003. Our aim is…

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KPat (aka KPatience) is a relaxing card sorting game. To win the game a player…

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Malaria Consortium

Malaria Consortium is an international non-profit organisation specialising in the comprehensive control of malaria and…
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sK1 is an open-source, cross-platform illustration program that can be used as a substitute for…

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Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. The goal of evince is to…

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Lexica is a word game that is available on the Android platform. Players are given…

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Bibata is OpenSource ,Compact and Material Designed Cursor set.This project masterelop for improve Linux Experience…

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Many hackers around the world are (re-)decentralizing the net. This is our part, offering distributed,…

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Aid Convoy

Aid Convoy is a British charitable organisation running and supporting various humanitarian aid projects, mostly…

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Save (share, archive, verify, encrypt) is an easy-to-use app designed by OpenArchive to help you…

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Kalzium is a program that shows you the Periodic Table of Elements. You can use…

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Listen to web radios from all around the world. This program uses the radio-browser.info community…

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MQTT Explorer

MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client that provides a structured overview of your MQTT…

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The conventional Internet is currently like a system of roads with deep potholes and highwaymen…

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verblyf klankspeler bittorrent-kliënt boeke blaaier kalender wolkberging wyser data lessenaar tema dokumentêre programme e-boeke onderwys Etherpad-voorkoms lêer hosting lêer te deel speletjies humanitêre hulp ikoon tema Jitsi ontmoet instansie kaarte media-speler mediese sorg boodskappe boodskapper microblogging mobiele bestuurstelsel flieks Mompelgeval musiek musiek speler bedryfstelsel p2p wagwoord bestuurder privebin instansie legkaart spel soek-masjien deel platform sosiale netwerk sagteware teksredigeerder torrents videoredigeerder videos webblaaier

latest reviews

No Title

Gegradeer 1.0 uit 5

It promotes trades- You very likely have to “shop” to play those games.

No Title

Gegradeer 5.0 uit 5

No trackers, no advertising. Therefore deserves 5/5 blocks.

No Title

Gegradeer 5.0 uit 5

The open gaming platform has no trackers or advertising.

No Title

Gegradeer 5.0 uit 5

A new way to further decentralize the internet.

No Title

Gegradeer 5.0 uit 5

Paperwork ist handelsfrei und verdient daher 5/5 Blöcke.